Large in dimensions; of great size, extent, capacity, or bulk; wide; spacious; extended.Large in kind or degree; having full scope or extent; copious; unrestricted; unrestrained: as, an ample narrative; to give ample praise, or do ample justice.Fully sufficient for any purpose, or for the purpose specified; abundant; liberal; plentiful: as, ample provision for the table.Synonyms Ample, Copious, Plenteous, spacious, roomy, extensive, extended, wide, capacious, abundant, sufficient, full, enough, unrestricted, plenary, unstinted. (See lists under abundant and large.) Ample, in its more common uses, has reference to the sufficiency of the supply for every need; copious carries with it the idea of the unfailingness of the source; while plenteous usually indicates largeness of quantity in actual possession: as, ample stores or resources; a copious supply of materials; a plenteous harvest.