Causing grief or trouble; troublesome; vexatious; trying.Feeling grief or trouble; grieved; troubled; vexed.Feeling or showing anger or resentment (with or at a person, at or about a thing): said of persons.Characterized by or manifesting anger; wrathful: as, an angry look or mood; angry words; an angry reply.Bearing the marks of anger; having the appearance of being in anger; frowning; fierce: as, an angry countenance; angry billows.Having the color of the face of one who is in anger; red.Sharp; keen; vigorous.In medicine, inflamed, as a sore; exhibiting inflammation.= Syn. 3, 4, 5. Indignant, incensed, passionate, resentful, irritated, wrathful, irate, hot, raging, furious, stormy, choleric, inflamed, tumultuous.