n. The act of seeing, or of looking at anything; view; gaze; glance; look.n. Countenance; look or particular appearance of the face; mien; air: as, a mild or severe aspect.n. Appearance to the eye or mind; look: as, the physical aspect of the country.n. One of the ways in which a thing may be viewed or contemplated: as, to present an object or a subject in its true aspect; in a double aspect; a favorable aspect.n. Practical bearing or reference.n. View commanded; prospect; outlook.n. [Now used in this sense mainly with reference to the points of the compass: as, a house has a southern aspect or exposure.]n. In astrology, the relative positions of the planets as they appear at any given time to an observer upon the earth; the combined look of the heavenly bodies from the earth.n. In heraldry, the position of an animal with reference to the spectator.To behold; look upon.n. In forestry, the direction toward which a slope faces. The eight main points of the compass, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, are distinguished in forest description. Also called exposure.n. In logic, the concept of a compound object, or this object itself, resulting from mentally connecting a definite conception to an indefinite or partially indesignate object, the compound being regarded as identical with the previously indefinite object.