
Not Acceptable For Game Play

This word is not acceptable for play in the US & UK dictionaries that are being used in the following games:

The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  • n. In Egyptian antiquity: A flat-bottomed boat, used for transporting merchandise, etc., on the Nile: the Greek term for the Egyptian makhen.
  • n. The sacred boat, represented in art as bearing an enthroned deity or some symbolical or venerated object.
  • n. 2 [capitalized] [NL.] A genus of rhynchophorous beetles, of the family Curculionidæ, or weevils. B. lignarius feeds upon the elm.
  • Word Usage
    "Derived from the word baris which means a line of troops, the Baris Dance is a war dance depicting warriors preparing to confront the enemy."
    Words with the same terminal sound
    safaris    saris