n. A subtle kind of matter supposed by Van Helmont, a Dutch mystic philosopher, to be radiated from the stars and to produce effects opposite to those of heat.n. A blowing; a gust or puff of wind; especially, a strong and sudden gust.n. A forcible stream of air from the mouth, from bellows, or the like.n. Hence A jet of exhaust-steam thrown into a smoke-stack to assist the draft.n. In metallurgy, the air forced into a furnace for the purpose of accelerating combustion. A furnace is said to be in blast when it is in operation, out of blast when stopped, either temporarily or permanently.n. The sound made by blowing a wind-instrument, as a horn or trumpet; strictly, the sound produced by one breath.n. Any sudden, pernicious, or destructive influence upon animals or plants; the infection of anything pestilential; a blight.n. Henceā7. Any withering or destructive influence; a curse.n. The product of a blast or blight; a bud which never blossoms.n. The charge of gunpowder or other explosive used at one firing in blasting operations.n. The explosion of inflammable air in a mine.n. A flatulent disease in sheep.n. A smoke of tobacco.n. Synonyms Gust, etc. See wind, n.To blow; puff; breathe hard; pant.To smoke tobacco.To boast; brag; speak ostentatiously.To wither; be blighted.To burst as by an explosion; blow up.To blow forth or abroad; hence, to utter loudly; proclaim.To break or tear to pieces (rocks or similar materials) by the agency of gunpowder or other explosive.To confound or stun by a loud blast or din; split; burst.To blow or breathe on so as to injure, as a sudden gust or destructive wind; cause to fade, shrivel, or wither; check the growth of and prevent from coming to maturity and producing fruit; blight, as trees or plants.To blight or cause to come to nothing, as by some pernicious influence; bring destruction, calamity, or infamy upon; ruin: as, to blast pride, hopes, reputation, happiness.To curse; strike with the wrath of heaven.See blasto-.n. In mining, a fall of water down a mine-shaft designed to produce or quicken ventilation.n. In the West Indies, a disease of the sugar-cane, probably caused by an acarid now known as the sugar-cane mite. The species is still unde-scribed.n. In zoology, one of the spindle-shaped, spore-like bodies in the life-cycle of certain Sporozoa, such as the malarial parasite.