n. Grief; sorrow; affliction; pain; distress.n. Concern; solicitude; anxiety; mental disturbance, unrest, or pain caused by the apprehension of evil or the pressure of many burdens.n. Attention or heed, with a view to safety or protection; a looking to something; caution; regard; watchfulness: as, take care of yourself.n. Charge or oversight, implying concern and endeavor to promote an aim or accomplish a purpose: as, he was under the care of a physician.n. An object of concern or watchful regard and attention.n. =Syn. Care, Concern, Solicitude, Anxiety. Care is the widest in its range of meaning; it may be with or without feeling, with of without action: as, the care of a garden. In its strongest sense, care is a painful burden of thought, perhaps from a multiplicity and constant pressure of things to be attended to: as, the child was a great care to her. Concern and solicitude are a step higher in intensity. Concern is often a regret for painful facts. Care and concern may represent the object of the thought and feeling; the others represent only the mental state: as, it shall be my chief concern. Solicitude is sometimes tenderer than concern, or is attended with more manifestation of feeling. Anxiety is the strongest of the four words; it is a restless dread of some evil. As compared with solicitude, it is more negative: as, solicitude to obtain preferment, to help a friend; anxiety to avoid an evil. We speak of care for an aged parent, concern for her comfort, solicitude to leave nothing undone for her welfare, anxiety as to the effect of an exposure to cold. (For apprehension and higher degrees of fear, see alarm.)To feel grief or sorrow; grieve.To be anxious or solicitous; be concerned or interested: commonly with about or for.To be inclined or disposed; have a desire: often with for.To have a liking or regard: with for before the object.To be concerned so as to feel or express objection; feel an interest in opposing: chiefly with a negative: as, He says he is coming to see you. I don't care. Will you take something? I don't care if I do.