To cause to turn; turn; turn round.To change or turn, as into another form or substance or, by exchange, into an equivalent thing; transmute; transform: as, to convert grain into spirits; to convert one kind of property into another; to convert bank-notes into gold.To change from one state or condition to another: as, to convert a barren waste into a fruitful field; to convert rude savages into civilized men.In theology, to change the purpose, direction, and spirit of the life of (another) from one of self-seeking and enmity toward God to one of love toward God and man; turn from an evil life to a holy one.To change or turn from one religion to another, or from one party or sect to another, especially from one that is regarded as false to one that is regarded as true.To turn from one use or destination to another; divert from the proper or intended use; specifically, in law, of personal property, unlawfully to assume ownership of, or to assert a control over, inconsistent with that of the owner; appropriate without right to one's own use, or intentionally deprive of its use the one having the right thereto.In logic, to transform by conversion. See conversion, To turn into or express in another language; translate.To turn in course or direction; turn about.To be changed; undergo a change.To experience a change of heart; change the current of one's life from worldliness or selfishness to love of God and man.n. A person who is converted from one opinion or practice to another; one who renounces one creed, religious system, or party, and embraces another: used particularly of those who change their religious opinions, but applicable to any change from one belief or practice to another.n. In theology, one who has been changed, as to the purpose and direction of his life, from sin to holiness.n. In monasteries, a lay friar or brother admitted to the service of the house, without orders, and not allowed to sing in the choir.In ship-building: To work up, as rough plank or timber, into the shape required for use on a vessel.To alter so as to change the type to which a vessel belongs: as, to convert a steamer into a sailing-ship.