
Acceptable For Game Play - US & UK word lists

This word is acceptable for play in the US & UK dictionaries that are being used in the following games:

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
  • n. A bed with high sides for a young child or baby.
  • n. A small building, usually with slatted sides, for storing corn.
  • n. A rack or trough for fodder; a manger.
  • n. A stall for cattle.
  • n. A small crude cottage or room.
  • n. Slang One's home.
  • n. A framework to support or strengthen a mine or shaft.
  • n. A wicker basket.
  • n. A petty theft.
  • n. Plagiarism.
  • n. See pony.
  • n. Games A set of cards made up from discards by each player in cribbage, used by the dealer.
  • v. To confine in or as if in a crib.
  • v. To furnish with a crib.
  • v. To plagiarize (an idea or answer, for example).
  • v. To steal.
  • verb-intransitive. To plagiarize; cheat.
  • Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
  • n. A baby’s bed (British and Australasian cot) with high, often slatted, often moveable sides, suitable for a child who has outgrown a cradle or bassinet.
  • n. A bed for a child older than a baby.
  • n. A small sleeping berth in a packet ship or other small vessel
  • n. A wicker basket; compare Moses basket.
  • n. A manger, a feeding trough for animals elevated off the earth or floor, especially one for fodder such as hay.
  • n. The baby Jesus and the manger in a creche or Nativity scene, consisting of statues of Mary, Joseph and various other characters such as the magi.
  • n. A bin for drying or storing grain, as with a corn crib.
  • n. A small room or covered structure, especially one of rough construction, used for storage or penning animals.
  • n. A confined space, as with a cage or office-cubicle
  • n. A job, a position; (British), an appointment.
  • n. A hovel, a roughly constructed building best suited to the shelter of animals but used for human habitation.
  • n. One’s residence, or where one normally hangs out.
  • n. A boxy structure traditionally built of heavy wooden timbers, to support an existing structure from below, as with a mineshaft or a building being raised off its foundation in preparation for being moved; see cribbing.
  • n. A collection of quotes or references for use in speaking, for for assembling a written document, or as an aid to a project of some sort; a crib sheet.
  • n. A minor theft, extortion or embezzlement, with or without criminal intent.
  • n. : Short for the card game cribbage.
  • n. : The cards discarded by players and used by the dealer.
  • n. A known piece of information corresponding to a section of encrypted text, that is then used to work out the remaining sections.
  • n. A small holiday home, often near a beach and of simple construction.
  • n. A packed lunch taken to work.
  • v. To place or confine in a crib.
  • v. To collect one or more passages and/or references for use in a speech, written document or as an aid for some task; to create a crib sheet.
  • v. To install timber supports, as with cribbing.
  • v. To steal or embezzle, to cheat out of: petty thieving.
  • v. To complain, to grumble
  • v. To crowd together, or to be confined, as if in a crib or in narrow accommodations.
  • v. To seize the manger or other solid object with the teeth and draw in wind.
  • the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
  • n. A manger or rack; a feeding place for animals.
  • n. A stall for oxen or other cattle.
  • n. A small inclosed bedstead or cot for a child.
  • n. A box or bin, or similar wooden structure, for storing grain, salt, etc..
  • n. A hovel; a hut; a cottage.
  • n. A structure or frame of timber for a foundation, or for supporting a roof, or for lining a shaft.
  • n. A structure of logs to be anchored with stones; -- used for docks, pier, dams, etc.
  • n. A small raft of timber.
  • n. A small theft; anything purloined; a plagiarism; hence, a translation or key, etc., to aid a student in preparing or reciting his lessons.
  • n. A miner's luncheon.
  • n. The discarded cards which the dealer can use in scoring points in cribbage.
  • v. To shut up or confine in a narrow habitation; to cage; to cramp.
  • v. To pilfer or purloin; hence, to steal from an author; to appropriate; to plagiarize.
  • verb-intransitive. To crowd together, or to be confined, as in a crib or in narrow accommodations.
  • verb-intransitive. To make notes for dishonest use in recitation or examination.
  • verb-intransitive. To seize the manger or other solid object with the teeth and draw in wind; -- said of a horse.
  • The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  • n. The manger or rack of a stable or house for cattle; a feeding-place for cattle; specifically, in the Roman Catholic Church, a representation of the manger in which Christ was born. See bambino.
  • n. A stall for oxen or other cattle; a pen for cattle.
  • n. A small frame with inclosed sides for a child's bed. A small chamber; a small lodging or habitation.
  • n. A situation; a place or position: as, a snug crib.
  • n. A house, shop, warehouse, or public house.
  • n. A box or bin for storing grain, salt, etc. See corn-crib.
  • n. A lockup.
  • n. A solid structure of timber or logs (see cribwork) secured under water to serve as a wharf, jetty, dike, or other support or barrier; also, a foundation so made with the superstructure raised upon it, as the crib in Lake Michigan from which water is supplied to Chicago.
  • n. A solidly built floating foundation or support.
  • n. An inner lining of a shaft, consisting of a frame of timbers and a backing of planks, used to keep the earth from caving in, prevent water from trickling through, etc. Also called cribbing.
  • n. A reel for winding yarn.
  • n. A division of a raft of staves, containing a thousand staves.
  • n. In the game of cribbage, a set of cards made up of two thrown from the hand of each player. See cribbage.
  • n. A theft, or the thing stolen; specifically, anything copied from an author without acknowledgment.
  • n. A literal translation of a classic author for the illegitimate use of students.
  • n. The bowl or trap of a pound-net.
  • To shut or confine as in a crib; cage; coop.
  • To line with timbers or planking: said of a shaft or pit.
  • To pilfer; purloin; steal.
  • To translate (a passage from a classic) by means of a crib. See crib, n., 16.
  • To be confined in or to a crib.
  • To make use of cribs in translating. See crib, n., 16.
  • n. Short for cribble.
  • n.
  • To make up (logs, boards, or staves) into small rafts or cribs to be united later into a large raft.
  • WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
  • v. use a crib, as in an exam
  • n. a bin or granary for storing grains
  • n. the cards discarded by players at cribbage
  • n. baby bed with high sides made of slats
  • v. take unauthorized (intellectual material)
  • n. a literal translation used in studying a foreign language (often used illicitly)
  • n. a card game (usually for two players) in which each player is dealt six cards and discards one or two
  • v. line with beams or planks
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