Running; moving; flowing; passing.Hence Passing from one to another; especially, widely circulated; publicly known, believed, or reported; common; general; prevalent; as, the current ideas of the day.Passing from hand to hand; circulating: as, current coin.Established by common estimation or consent; generally received: as, the current value of coin.Entitled to credit or recognition; fitted for general acceptance or circulation; authentic; genuine.Now passing; present in its course: as, the current month or year.n. A flowing; a flow; a stream; a passing by a continuous flux: used of fluids, as water, air, etc., or of supposed fluids, as electricity.n. Specifically, a portion of a large body of water or of air moving in a certain direction: as, ocean-currents.n. Course in general; progressive movement or passage; connected series: as, the current of time.n. General or main course; general tendency: as, the current of opinion.n. The amount of depression given to a roof to cause the water which falls upon it to flow in a given direction.To make current or common; establish in common estimation; render acceptable.n. An obsolete spelling of currant.