Straight; undeviating; not oblique, crooked, circuitous, refracted, or collateral: as, to pass in a direct lino from one body or place to another; a direct course or aim; a direct ray of light; direct descent (that is, descent in an unbroken line through male ancestors).In astronomy, appearing to move forward in the zodiac according to the natural order and succession of the signs, or from west to east: opposed to retrograde: as, the motion of a planet is directHaving a character, relation, or action analogous to that of straightness of direction or motion: as, a direct interest (that is, part ownership) in a property or business.In the natural, unreflecting way; proceeding by a simple method to attain an object; without modifying one's procedure owing to recondite considerations; explicit; free from the influence of extraneous circumstances.Plain; express; not ambiguous; straight forward; positive: as, he made a direct acknowledgment.Straightforward; characterized by the absence of equivocation or ambiguousness; open; ingenuous; sincere.In logic, proceeding from antecedent to consequent, from cause to effect, etc.To point or aim in a straight line toward a place or an object; cause to move, act, or work toward a certain object or end; determine in respect to direction: as, to direct an arrow or a piece of ordnance; to direct the eye; to direct a course or flight.To point out or make known a course to; impart information or advice to for guidance: as, to direct a person to his destination; he directed his friend's attention to an improved method.To control the course of; regulate; guide or lead; govern; cause to proceed in a particular manner: as, to direct the steps of a child, or the affairs of a nation.To order; instruct; point out to, as a course of proceeding, with authority; prescribe to.In music, to conduct; lead (a company of vocal or instrumental performers) as conductor or director.To superscribe; write the name and address of the recipient on; address: as, to direct a letter or a package.To aim or point at, as discourse; address.In astrology, to calculate the arc of the equator between the significator and the promoter.To act as a guide; point out a course; exercise power or authority in guiding.In music, to act as director or conductor.n. In musicalnotation, the sign placed at the end of a staff or of a page to indicate to the performer the position of the first note of the next staff or page.In a direct manner; directly; straight: as, he went direct to the point.In mathematics, according to the natural order or correlation: in contradistinction to inverse.