To scatter; separate and send off or drive in different directions; cause to separate in. different directions: as, to disperse a crowd.To distribute; dispense.To diffuse; spread.To make known; publish.To dissipate; cause to vanish: as, the fog is dispersed.Synonyms andDispel, Scatter, etc. See dissipate.To distribute, deal ont, disseminate, sow broadcast.To separate and move apart in different directions without order or regularity; become scattered: as, the company dispersed at 10 o'clock.To become diffused or spread; spread.To vanish by diffusion; be scattered out of sight.Scattered; dispersed.n. One who or that which disperses: as, a disperser of libels.In optics, to refract by amounts which vary with the wave-length of the refracted ray; separate a composite beam of light, into its components, forming a spectrum. See dispersion, 3.