To become suffused with color, as the face or the sky; redden; blush; glow.To make suddenly red; suffuse with color; redden; cause to blush; cause to ***ow; color.n. A redness caused by a sudden flow of blood to the face; a blush; any warm coloring or glow, as the reddening of the sky before daybreak: as, a crimson flush.n. Sudden impulse or excitement; a sudden thrill or shock, as of feeling: as, to feel a flush of joy.n. Bloom; glow.n. The hot stage of a fever.Hot and heavy: said of the weather or the atmosphere.In full bloom; in vigorous growth or condition.Same an flosh.To drench copiously with water for the purpose of cleansing; wash out, as a sewer, with a copious flow of water.Synonyms See plunge.To flow swiftly; especially, to flow and spread suddenly, as blood in the face: a use scarcely different from that of flush, intransitive verbTo become fluxed or fluid.n. A piece of moist ground; a place where water frequently lies; a morass.n. A run of water.n. An increase of water in a river.n. Snow in a state of dissolution; slush.To encourage; elate; excite the spirits of; animate with joy: originally the same as flesh.To fly out suddenly, as a bird when disturbed: start up or fly off.In sporting, to rouse and cause to start up or fly off; spring: as, to flush a woodcock; to flush a covey; to flush the trout.n. The act of starting or flushing a bird.n. A bird, or a flock of birds, suddenly started or sprung.n. A great number.n. Abundance; exuberance.Full, in any respect; exuberant; plentiful.Well supplied, as with money: as, to be quite flush.Prodigal; wasteful.Having the surface or face even or level with the adjacent surface, or in the same plane or line; being in exact alinement; even.To make flush or level.In weaving, to throw on the surface over several threads without intersecting, as in twilling, or forming tissue figures.In weaving, to flow or float over several threads without intersection: said of threads in twilling or tissue-weaving.Same as fledge.To become able to fly: same as fledge.n. In card-playing, a hand in which all the cards, or a certain specified number of them, are of the same suit.n. A certain game of cards.In the game of poker, consisting of cards all of which are of the same suit: as, a flush hand.n. In tea-growing, a fresh growth of shoots with leaves fit for picking.To put out a new growth, as plants which have been partially deprived of their foliage: especially applied to tea-plants.