To hum.To break; make sore.To break off the ears of (barley) with a flail; separate from the awns.To break off the horns of.Broken; bruised; sore.Having no horns, as a cow.Pertaining to a humble cow.Lowly in kind, state, condition, amount, etc.; of little worth or moment; unimportant; low; common: as, a humble cottage; a man of humble origin; a humble follower; my humble means.Lowly in manner or guise; modest; unpretending; submissive: as, a humble apology.Lowly in feeling; lacking self-esteem; having a sense of insignificance, unworthiness, dependence, or sinfulness; meek; penitent.To make lower; bring down; bow down.To make lower in state or condition; reduce in power, possessions, esteem, etc.; abase: as, to humble one's foes; to humble the pride of a rival.To make humble or lowly in feeling; bring down the pride or vanity of; make meek and submissive; humiliate: often used reflexively.Synonyms Debase, Degrade, etc. See abase.