n. A brief expression; more specifically, two or more words expressing what is practically a single notion, and thus performing the office of a single part of speech, or entering with a certain degree of unity into the structure of a sentence.n. A peculiar or characteristic expression; a mode of expression peculiar to a language; an idiom.n. The manner or style in which a person ex presses himself; diction; phraseology; language; also, an expression, or a form of expression.n. In music, a short and somewhat independent division or part of a piece, less complete than a period, and usually closing with a cadence or a half-cadence.n. In fencing, a period between the beginning and end of a short passage at arms between fencers during which there is no pause, each fencer thrusting and parrying in turnn. See the adjectives.n. Synonyms See term.To employ peculiar phrases or forms of speech; ex press one's self.In music, to divide a piece in performance into short sections or phrases, so as to bring out the metrical and harmonic form of the whole, and make it musically intelligible; also, to perform any group of tones without pause.To express or designate by a particular phrase or term; call; style.