Rough; crude; unwrought; unfashioned; ill-fashioned; without finish or shapeliness: as, a rude mass of material.Lacking cultivation, refinement, or elegance; clumsy; uncouth: as, rude verses; rude art.Mean; humble; little known or regarded; hence, as said of persons, low by birth or position.Barbarous; uncivilized; unpolished; ignorant.Having a fierce or cruel disposition; ferocious; sanguinary; savage; brutal.Marked by or expressing fierceness or savageness; ferocious, fierce, or cruel in quality.Ill-bred; boorish; uncivil; discourteous; impolite.Marked, by incivility; contrary to the requirements of. courtesy: as, rude conduct; a rude remark.Rough; tempestuous; stormy: as, a rude gale; rude weather.Robust; sturdy; rugged; vigorous.Synonyms Ill-shaped, raw, uncouth, unformed.7 and Vulgar, loutish, boorish, ill-bred, insolent, surly, churlish, gruff, brusk.Harsh, inclement, violent, turbulent.Rudely.