
Acceptable For Game Play - US & UK word lists

This word is acceptable for play in the US & UK dictionaries that are being used in the following games:

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
  • v. To surmise to be true or probable; imagine: I suspect they are very disappointed.
  • v. To have doubts about; distrust: I suspect his motives.
  • v. To think (a person) guilty without proof: The police suspect her of murder.
  • verb-intransitive. To have suspicion.
  • n. One who is suspected, especially of having committed a crime.
  • adj. Open to or viewed with suspicion: a suspect policy; suspect motives.
  • Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
  • v. To imagine or suppose (something) to be true without evidence.
  • v. To distrust or have doubts about (something or someone).
  • v. To believe (someone) to be guilty.
  • v. To have suspicion.
  • n. A person who is suspected of something, in particular of committing a crime.
  • adj. To be viewed with suspicion.
  • the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
  • adj. Suspicious; inspiring distrust.
  • adj. Suspected; distrusted.
  • n. Suspicion.
  • n. One who, or that which, is suspected; an object of suspicion; -- formerly applied to persons and things; now, only to persons suspected of crime.
  • v. To imagine to exist; to have a slight or vague opinion of the existence of, without proof, and often upon weak evidence or no evidence; to mistrust; to surmise; -- commonly used regarding something unfavorable, hurtful, or wrong.
  • v. To imagine to be guilty, upon slight evidence, or without proof.
  • v. To hold to be uncertain; to doubt; to mistrust; to distruct.
  • v. To look up to; to respect.
  • verb-intransitive. To imagine guilt; to have a suspicion or suspicions; to be suspicious.
  • The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  • To imagine to exist; have a vague or slight opinion of the existence of, often on weak or trivial evidence; mistrust; surmise.
  • To imagine to be guilty, upon slight evidence or without proof.
  • To hold to be uncertain; doubt; mistrust; distrust.
  • To look up to; respect; esteem.
  • To imagine guilt, danger, or the like; be suspicious.
  • Suspected; suspicious.
  • Doubtful; uncertain.
  • n. A suspected person; one suspected of a crime, offense, or the like.
  • n. Something suspicious; something causing suspicion.
  • n. Suspicion.
  • n. A vague or slight opinion.
  • WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
  • v. imagine to be the case or true or probable
  • adj. not as expected
  • n. a person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law; the person being sued or accused
  • v. hold in suspicion; believe to be guilty
  • v. regard as untrustworthy; regard with suspicion; have no faith or confidence in
  • n. someone who is under suspicion
  • Equivalent
    Verb Form
    suspected    suspecting    suspects   
    Words that are more generic or abstract
    guess    hazard    pretend    venture    suppose    think    reckon    imagine    opine   
    Cross Reference
    Words with the same meaning
    suspicious    suspected    distrusted    suspicion    doubt    mistrust    surmise    distrust    distruct    respect   
    Words with the same terminal sound
    Brecht    Hecht    Select    affect    bedecked    checked    collect    confect    connect    correct   
    Same Context
    Words that are found in similar contexts
    defendant    offender    culprit    killer    victim    witness    perpetrator    clue    investigator    competitor