To take or receive (something offered); receive with approbation or favor: as, he made an offer which was accepted.To take (what presents itself or what befalls one); accommodate one's self to: as, to accept the situation.To listen favorably to; grant.To receive or admit and agree to; accede or assent to: as, to accept a treaty, a proposal, an amendment, an excuse: often followed by of: as, I accept of the terms.To receive in a particular sense; understand: as, how is this phrase to be accepted? In com., to acknowledge, by signature, as calling for payment, and thus to promise to pay: as, to accept a bill of exchange, that is, to acknowledge the obligation to pay it when due. See acceptance. In a deliberative body, to receive as a sufficient performance of the duty with which an officer or a committee has been charged; receive for further action: as, the report of the committee was accepted.Accepted.