To take from a source or agency of transmission; get by transfer: as, to receive money or a letter; to receive gifts.To take or get from a primary source: as, to receive favors or a good education; to receive an impression, a wound, or a shock.To take notice of on coming or appearing; greet the advent of; salute or treat upon approach: as, to receive an actor with applause; to receive news joyfully.To take or consider favorably; admit as credible, worthy, acceptable, etc.; give admission or recognition to: as, to receive a person into one's friendship; a received authority.To admit for intercourse or entertainment; grant audience or welcome to; give a friendly reception to: as, to receive an ambassador or guests.To take in or on; give entrance to; hold; contain; have capacity for: as, a box to receive contributions.To perceive; comprehend; take into the mind.In law: To take by transfer in a criminal manner; accept the custody or possession of from a known thief: as, to receive stolen goods.To admit as pertinent; take into consideration; permit the reception of: as, the court refused to receive the evidence, and ordered it to be stricken out.Synonyms and Receive, Take, Accept. These words are in the order of strength in regard to the willingness with which the thing in question is received, etc., but none of them is warm. One may receive a letter, a challenge to a duel, a remittance, detriment, or a wound: the word thus may be wholly neuter. One may take cold, but, more often, take that which he might refuse, as a present, a bribe, offense, a pinch of snuff, or an orange. One may accept one's fate, but even then the word means a mental consent, a movement of mind; more often it means to receive with some willingness, as to accept a proposition, an invitation, or an offer. An offer, etc., may be received and not accepted.To be a receiver or recipient; come into custody or possession of something by transfer.To give, or take part in holding, a reception; greet and entertain visitors, especially at certain fixed times.