n. The act of confusing or mingling together two or more things or notions properly separate; the act or process of becoming confused or thrown together in disorder, so as to conceal or obliterate original differences, etc.n. The state of being confused or mixed together, literally or figuratively; an indiscriminate or disorderly mingling; disorder; tumultuous condition: as, the confusion of the crowd.n. The state of having confused or indistinct ideas; lack of clearness of thought.n. Perturbation of mind; embarrassment; abashment; trouble; distraction.n. Overthrow; destruction; ruin.n. One who confuses; a confounder; a troubler.n. In civil law, merger of two titles in the same person.n. In civil law and Scots law, an extinction of an obligation or servitude by the fact that the two persons whose divided position is requisite for the continuance of a debt become one person, for example, when one becomes the heir of the other.n. Synonyms Derangement, jumble, chaos, turmoil.n. Perplexity, bewilderment, distraction, mortification.