To constrain or compel by pain, suffering, or force of circumstances.To afflict with pain, physical or mental; oppress or crush with suffering, misfortune, or calamity; make miserable.In law, to seize for debt; distrain. See distrain, 6.n. Constraint; restraint; forcible control; oppression.n. Compulsion; requirement.n. Pain or suffering of body or mind; great pain, anxiety, or grief.n. In general, a state of suffering or trouble; calamity; adversity; affliction; misery arising from want or misfortune.n. In law : The act of distraining. See distrain, 6.n. The common-law remedy by distraining.n. The thing taken by distraining; that which is seized to procure satisfaction.n. In old Scots law, a pledge taken by the sheriff from those who came to fairs or markets for their good behavior, which at their close was delivered back if no harm had been done.n. Synonyms Grief, Sorrow, etc. See affliction.n. Hardship, straits, perplexity.