Without light; marked by the absence of light; unilluminated; shadowy: as, a dark night; a dark room.Not radiating or reflecting light; wholly or partially black or gray in appearance; having the quality opposite to light or white: as, a dark object; a dark color.Not fair: applied to the complexion: as, the dark-skinned races.Lacking in light or brightness; shaded; obscure: as, a dark day; the dark recesses of a forest.Characterized by or producing gloom; dreary; cheerless: as, a dark time in the affairs of the country.Threatening; frowning; gloomy; morose: as, a dark scowl.Obscure; not easily perceived or understood; difficult to interpret or explain: as, a dark saying; a dark passage in an author.Hence Concealed; secret; mysterious; inscrutable as, keep it dark.Blind; sightless.Unenlightened, either mentally or spiritually; characterized by backwardness in learning, art, science, or religion; destitute of knowledge or culture; ignorant; uninstructed; rude: uncivilized: as, the dark places of the earth; the dark ages.Morally black; atrocious; wicked; sinister.n. The absence of light; darkness.n. A dark place.n. A dark hue; a dark spot or part.n. A state of concealment; secrecy: as, things done in the dark.n. An obscured or unenlightened state or condition; obscurity; a state of ignorance: as, I am still in the dark regarding his intentions.In the dark; without light.To grow or become dark; darken.To remain in the dark; lurk; lie hidden or concealed.To make dark; darken; obscure.n. An obsolete form of darg.