To divide or set off; specifically, to set apart for a particular service; appoint to a separate duty: chiefly in military use: as, to detail a corporal's guard for fatigue duty or as an escort; to detail an officer.To relate, report, or narrate in particulars; recite the particulars of; particularize; tell fully and distinctly: as, to detail all the facts in due order.To give details or particulars about something.n. An individual part; an item; a particular: as, the account is accurate in all its details; the point objected to is an unimportant detail; collectively (without a plural), particulars; particulars considered separately and in relation to the whole: as, a matter of detail.n. In the fine arts, etc., a relatively small, subordinate, and particular part, as distinguished from a general conception or from larger parts or effects; also, such parts collectively (in the singular).n. A minute account; a narrative or report of particulars: as, he gave a detail of all the transaction.n. Milit., the selection of an individual or a body of troops for a particular service; the person or persons so selected; a detachment.n. Individually; part by part.n. Synonyms Relation, recital.n. Squad.n. The service on which one is detailed.