n. The act of relating or telling; recital; narration.n. That which is related or told; an account; narrative: formerly applied to historical narrations or geographical descriptions: as, the Jesuit Relations.n. A character of a plurality of things; a fact concerning two or more things, especially and more properly when it is regarded as a predicate of one of the things connecting it with the others; the condition of being such and such with regard to something else: as, the relation of a citizen to the state; the relation of demand and supply.n. Intimate connection between facts; significant bearing of one fact upon another.n. Connection by consanguinity or affinity; kinship; tie of birth or marriage; relationship.n. Kindred; connection; a group of persons related by kinship.n. A person connected by consanguinity or affinity; a kinsman or kinswoman; a relative.n. In mathematics:n. A ratio; proportion.n. A connection between a number of quantities by which certain systems of values are excluded; especially, such a connection as may be expressed by a plexus of general equations.n. In music, that connection or kinship between two tones, chords, or keys (tonalities) which makes their association with each other easy and natural.n. In law:n. A fiction of law whereby, to prevent injustice, effect is given to an act done at one time as if it had been done at a previous time, it being said to have relation back to that time: as, where a deed is executed and acted on, but its delivery neglected, the law may give effect to its subsequent delivery by relation back to its date or to its execution, as may be equitable.n. Suggestion by a relator; the statement or complaint of his grievance by one at whose instance an action or special proceeding is brought by the state to determine a question involving both public and private right.n. In architecture, the direct dependence upon one another, and upon the whole, of the different parts of a building, or members of a design.n. Same as composite relation .n. Same as aggregate relation .n. a relation of such a sort that nothing can be so related to anything else, as the relations of self-consciousness, self-depreciation, self-help, etc.n. Synonyms Narration, Recital, etc. See account.n. Attitude, connection.n. Affiliation.5 and Relation, Relative, Connection, When applying to family affiliations, relation is used of a state or of a person, but in the latter sense relative is much better; relative is used of a person, but not of a state; connection is used with equal propriety of either person or state. Relation and relative refer to kinship by blood; connection is increasingly restricted to ties resulting from marriage.n. Kindred, kin.To relate; bring into relation.