According to form, rule, or established order; according to the rules of law or custom; systematic; regular; legal.Characterized by or made or done in strict or undue conformity to legal or conventional rules; notably conventional.Observing or requiring strict observance of the rules of law, custom, or etiquette; strictly ceremonious; precise: exact to affectation; punctilious.Regular or methodical in action.Having conformity with the rules of art; scholastic; theoretical; also, rhetorical; academical; expressed in artificial language.Relating to form merely, not to the substance or matter; having the form or appearance without the substance or essence; external; outward: as, a formal defect; formal duty; formal worship.Embodied in a form; personified. The allusion in the extract is to the character of the Vice who, under many aliases, was an attendant on the Devil in the old moralities. See iniquity and vice.Pertaining to or regarding the shape and appearance of a living being; characteristic; proper; sane.Pertaining to form, in sense 8, especially in the Aristotelian use, opposed to materiȧl; essential; express. See phrases below.Pertaining to those elements of cognition which according to Kant have their origin in the nature of the mind itself; universal and necessary.Implicit; not active; latent; virtual.n. A trade-name for formaldehyde.