Recurring yearly; annual.Marked by religious rites or ceremonious observances; connected with religion; sacred; also, marked by special ritual or ceremony.Pertaining to holiday; festive; joyous.Of high repute; important; dignified.Fitted to excite or express serious or devout reflections; grave; impressive; awe-inspiring: as, a solemn pile of buildings.Marked by seriousness or earnestness in language or demeanor; impressive; grave: as, to make a solemn promise; a solemn utterance.Affectedly grave, serious, or important: as, to put on a solemn face.Accompanied with all due forms or ceremonies; made in form; formal; regular: now chiefly a law term: as, probate in solemn form.Sober; gloomy; dark: noting color or tint.Synonyms August, venerable, grand, stately.Serious, etc. (see grave), reverential, sober.To solemnize.