To break and reduce to fine particles by pounding, crushing, or rubbing, as in a mill or a mortar, or with the teeth; bray; triturate: as, to grind corn.To produce by grinding, or by action comparable to that of grinding: as, to grind flour; to grind out a tune on an organ.To wear down, smooth, or sharpen by friction; give a smooth surface, edge, or point to, as by friction of a wheel or revolving stone; whet.To grate or rub harshly together; grit.To set in motion or operate, as by turning a crank: as, to grind a coffee-mill; to grind a hand-organ.To oppress by severe exactions; afflict with hardship or cruelty.To satirize severely; make a jest of.To teach in a dull, laborious manner.To study or learn by close application or hard work; master laboriously: as, to grind out a problem.To perform the act or operation of grinding, grating, or harshly rubbing; turn a mill, a grindstone, or some similar machine.To be grated or rubbed together: as, the jaws grind.To be ground or pulverized by pounding or rubbing: as, dry corn grinds fine.To be polished or sharpened by friction: as, marble or steel grinds readily.To perform tedious and distasteful work; drudge; especially, to study hard; prepare for examination by close application.n. The act of grinding, or turning a mill, a grindstone, etc.n. The sound of grinding or grating.n. Hard or tedious and distasteful work; constant employment; especially, in college slang, laborious study; close application to study.n. One who studies laboriously or with dogged application.n. A piece of satire; a jest.n. A satirist; an inveterate jester.n. Nautical, a kink, half-turn, or twist in a rope.