Indivisible; inseparable.Not susceptible of logical subdivision; determinate in every respect; having a continuity of existence in all its changes; not divisible without loss of identity.Of but one person or thing; pertaining or peculiar to, or characteristic of, a single person or thing, or each separate person or thing: opposed to collective: as, individual character; individual labor or effort; individual action.Serving or intended for the use of one person only: as, an individual salt-cellar.Of which each is different or of a different design from the others: as, a set of individual coffee-cups (that is, a harlequin set).n. A single thing; a being, animate or inanimate, that is or is regarded as a unit.n. That which is not susceptible of logical subdivision, but is completely determinate, so that only one of a pair of contradictory attributes can be possessed by it.n. A thing which by being in only one place at one time, or otherwise, has a continuity of existence in time.n. Especially, a human being; a person.n. In biology, any organism or part of an organized whole regarded as having (actually or in certain relations) an independent existence. The word is often applied specifically to one of a group or colony of organisms to distinguish it from the colony or group. Thus, many botanists regard each bud as a true individual, the whole plant or tree constituting a colony or compound organism.n. A person merely; a man.n. In biology: A living being considered as unique or different from its kind and from the rest of nature, without reference to its morphological or physiological independence or dependence. It is in this sense that an organism is termed an individual with reference to reproduction and inheritance.