n. 1. A mask anciently worn by actors, covering the whole head, and varying according to the character to be represented; hence, a mask or disguise.n. The character represented by such a mask or by the player who wore it; hence, character; rôle; the part which one assumes or sustains on the stage or in life.n. A human being; a man, woman, or child; an individual; in a broader sense, a self-conscious being. See def. 9, and personality, 1.n. . An individual of importance, distinction, or dignity; a personage.n. In an affected sense, an individual of no importance or not entitled to social recognition: commonly applied to female servants or employees: as, a capable young person as milliner's assistant; a respectable person as cook.n. The rector of a parish; a parson.n. The human form in its characteristic completeness; the body of the living man or woman with all that belongs to it; bodily form; external appearance: as, offenses against the person; the king's person was held sacred; the adornment of the person.n. In biology and morphology, an individual in a narrow sense, as the shoot or bud of a plant, a polypite or medusa, a zoöid, etc. , , n. In law: A living human being.n. A human being having rights and duties before the law; one not a slave. In old Roman law slaves were not considered to be persons.n. A being, whether natural or artificial, whether an individual or a body corporate other than the state, having rights and duties before the law.n. [cap. or lowercase] In theology, a term used in definitions of the Trinity for what is individual in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, distinguishing one from the other: opposed to essence, which denotes what is common to them.n. In grammar, one of three relations in which a subject stands related to a verb, and which are in many languages distinguished by differences in the form of the verb itself: namely, the first person, that of the speaker; the second, that of the one spoken to; and the third, that of the person or thing spoken of.n. In the flesh; actually; with bodily presence, and not by deputy or representative: as, he came in person; he paid the money in person.n. See color.n. The Holy Ghost.n. An expression common in legal phraseology to indicate any one not a party to a contract, relation, or legal proceeding under consideration: as, the liability of members of a corporation to third persons. =Syn. 2-4. Person, Individual, Personage. Person is the most general and common word for a human being, of either sex and of any age or social grade, without emphasizing the fact that there is but one, or, if there are more than one, viewing them severally: as, I met a person who said, etc. Individual views a person as standing alone, or persons as standing seperately before the mind: as, the rights of the individual; the rights of the individual; it is incorrect to use individual for person unemphatically: as, there were several individuals in the room. A personage is an important, distinguished, or illustrious person: hence, the state has been called “a great moral personage.”To represent as a person; personify.