n. One who holds an office, or to whom has been intrusted a share in the management or direction of some business or undertaking, such as a society, corporation, company, etc., or who fills some position involving responsibility, to which he has been formally appointed.n. Specifically, a person holding a public office, under a national, state, or municipal government, and authorized thereby to exercise some specific function: as, an officer of the Treasury Department; a custom-house or excise officer; law officers; a court officer.n. Used absolutely: One who holds a commission in the army or navy.n. In the law of corporations, one who holds an office, such as a director or cashier, as distinguished from one who is an employee, as a bookkeeper.n. A policeman, constable, or beadle.n. In some honorary orders, a member of higher rank than the lowest; in the Legion of Honor, the degree next higher than that of chevalier or knight.To minister; be of service.To furnish with officers; appoint officers over.To serve as officers for.