Unclothed; without clothing or covering; bare; nude: as, a naked body or limb.Without covering; especially, without the usual or customary covering; exposed; bare: as, a naked sword.Specifically— In botany, noting flowers without a calyx, ovules or seeds not in a closed ovary (gymnosperms), stems without leaves, and parts destitute of hairs.In zoology, noting mollusks when the body is not defended by a calcareous shell.In entomology, without hairs, bristles, scales, or other covering on the surface.Open to view.Mere; bare; simple.Having no means of defense or protection against an enemy's attack, or against other injury; unarmed; exposed; defenseless.Bare; unprovided; unfurnished; destitute.In music, noting the harmonic interval of a fifth or fourth, when taken alone.In law, unsupported by authority or consideration: as, a naked overdraft; a naked promise.Synonyms Uncovered, undressed.Unprotected, unsheltered, unguarded.Said of a vessel's bottom when her copper is stripped off.