To move, pass, or go forward or onward; continue or renew motion or progress; advance; go on, literally or figuratively: as, to proceed on one's journey; the vessel touched at Queenstown, and then proceeded on her voyageTo issue or come, as from an origin, source, or fountain; go forth: with from.To carry on some series of actions; set one's self at work and go on in a certain way and for some particular purpose; act according to some method.To be transacted or carried on; be done; pass; go on.To begin and carry on a legal action; take any step in the course of procedure: as, to proceed against an offender.To come into effect or action.To take an academic degree: now used only in the universities of Great Britain and Ireland. “To proceed master” is an abbreviated form of “to proceed to the degree of master.”Synonyms To arise, emanate, flow, accrue, result, be derived.n. The amount proceeding or accruing from some possession or transaction; especially, the sum derived from the sale of goods: now used only in the plural: as, the consignee was directed to sell the goods for-warded and invest the proceeds in coffee.