n. A going onward; a moving or proceeding forward; advance: as, to make slow or rapid progress on a journey; to hinder one's progress.n. A passage from place to place; a journey; wayfaring.n. Specifically A journey or circuit of state: as, a royal progress.n. Advancement of any kind; growth; development; improvement: as, the progress of a negotiation; the progress of a plant; the progress of a patient toward recovery; the progress of a scholar in his studies; the progress of the arts and sciences.To move forward or onward in space; proceed; pass; go.To continue onward in course; proceed or advance.To move toward something better; advance on the line of development or improvement.Specifically, in music, of a voice-part, to advance from one tone to another, or, of the harmony in general, from one chord to another.To make headway.To pass over or through; make the tour or circuit of.To cause to advance or pass; push forward.n. plural In astrology, the positions the moon forms in her advance, by allowing one synodical lunation for one year of the native's life.