Stiff; not pliant or easily bent; not plastic or easily molded; resisting any change of form when acted upon by force; hard.Not easily driven back or thrust out of place; unyielding; firm.Not easily wrought upon or affected; inflexible; hence, harsh; severe; rigorous; rigorously framed or executed: as, a rigid sentence; rigid criticism.Strict in opinion, conduct, discipline, or observance; uncompromising; scrupulously exact or exacting: as, a rigid disciplinarian; a rigid Calvinist.Stiff in outline or aspect; harsh; hard; rugged; without smoothness, softness, or delicacy of appearance.Sharp; severe; bitter; cruel.In dynamics: Absolutely incapable of being strained.Resisting stresses.Synonyms and Severe, Rigorous, etc. (see austere), inflexible, unbending, unyielding.