
Acceptable For Game Play - US & UK word lists

This word is acceptable for play in the US & UK dictionaries that are being used in the following games:

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
  • n. An institution for the instruction of children or people under college age.
  • n. An institution for instruction in a skill or business: a secretarial school; a karate school.
  • n. A college or university.
  • n. An institution within or associated with a college or university that gives instruction in a specialized field and recommends candidates for degrees.
  • n. A division of an educational institution constituting several grades or classes: advanced to the upper school.
  • n. The student body of an educational institution.
  • n. The building or group of buildings housing an educational institution.
  • n. The process of being educated formally, especially education constituting a planned series of courses over a number of years: The children were put to school at home. What do you plan to do when you finish school?
  • n. A session of instruction: School will start in three weeks. He had to stay after school today.
  • n. A group of people, especially philosophers, artists, or writers, whose thought, work, or style demonstrates a common origin or influence or unifying belief: the school of Aristotle; the Venetian school of painters.
  • n. A group of people distinguished by similar manners, customs, or opinions: aristocrats of the old school.
  • n. Close-order drill instructions or exercises for military units or personnel.
  • n. Australian A group of people gathered together for gambling.
  • v. To educate in or as if in a school.
  • v. To train or discipline: She is well schooled in literature. See Synonyms at teach.
  • adj. Of or relating to school or education in schools: school supplies; a school dictionary.
  • n. A large group of aquatic animals, especially fish, swimming together; a shoal. See Synonyms at flock1.
  • verb-intransitive. To swim in or form into a school.
  • Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
  • n. A group of fish or a group of marine mammals such as porpoises, dolphins, or whales.
  • v. To form into, or travel in a school.
  • n. An institution dedicated to teaching and learning; an educational institution.
  • n. An educational institution providing primary and secondary education, prior to tertiary education (college or university).
  • n. Within a larger educational institution, an organizational unit, such as a department or institute, which is dedicated to a specific subject area.
  • n. The followers of a particular doctrine; a particular way of thinking or particular doctrine; a school of thought.
  • n. The time during which classes are attended or in session in an educational institution.
  • v. To educate, teach, or train (often, but not necessarily, in a school.)
  • v. To defeat emphatically, to teach an opponent a harsh lesson.
  • v. To control, or compose, one's expression.
  • the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
  • n. A shoal; a multitude.
  • n. A place for learned intercourse and instruction; an institution for learning; an educational establishment; a place for acquiring knowledge and mental training.
  • n. A place of primary instruction; an establishment for the instruction of children.
  • n. A session of an institution of instruction.
  • n. One of the seminaries for teaching logic, metaphysics, and theology, which were formed in the Middle Ages, and which were characterized by academical disputations and subtilties of reasoning.
  • n. The room or hall in English universities where the examinations for degrees and honors are held.
  • n. An assemblage of scholars; those who attend upon instruction in a school of any kind; a body of pupils.
  • n. The disciples or followers of a teacher; those who hold a common doctrine, or accept the same teachings; a sect or denomination in philosophy, theology, science, medicine, politics, etc.
  • n. The canons, precepts, or body of opinion or practice, sanctioned by the authority of a particular class or age.
  • n. Figuratively, any means of knowledge or discipline.
  • v. To train in an institution of learning; to educate at a school; to teach.
  • v. To tutor; to chide and admonish; to reprove; to subject to systematic discipline; to train.
  • The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  • n. A place where instruction is given in arts, science, languages, or any species of learning; an institution for learning; an educational establishment; a school-house; a school-room.
  • n. The body of pupils collectively in any place of instruction, and under the direction of one or more teachers: as, to have a large school.
  • n. A session of an institution of instruction; exercises of instruction; school-work.
  • n. In the middle ages, a lecture-room, especially in a university or college; hence, the body of masters and students in a university; a university or college; in the plural, the schools, the scholastics generally.
  • n. A large room or hall in English universities where the examinations for degrees and honors take place.
  • n. The disciples or followers of a teacher; those who hold a common doctrine or accept the same teachings or principles; those who exhibit in practice the same general methods, principles, tastes, or intellectual bent; a sect or denomination in philosophy, theology, science, art, etc.; a system of doctrine as delivered by particular teachers: as, the Socratic school; the painters of the Italian school; the musicians of the German school; economists of the laisser-faire school.
  • n. A system or state of matters prevalent at a certain time; a specific method or cast of thought; a particular system of training with special reference to conduct and manners: as, a gentleman of the old school; specifically, the manifestation or the results of the coöperation of a school (in sense 6): as, paintings of the Italian Renaissance school.
  • n. Any place or means of discipline, improvement, instruction, or training.
  • n. In music, a book or treatise designed to teach some particular branch of the art: as, A.'s violin school.
  • Pertaining or relating to a school or to education: as, a school custom.
  • Pertaining to the schoolmen; scholastic: as, school philosophy (scholasticism).
  • To educate, instruct, or train in or as in school; teach.
  • To teach, train, or discipline with the thoroughness and strictness of a school; discipline thoroughly; bring under control.
  • To discipline or take to task; reprove; chide and admonish.
  • n. A large number of fish, or porpoises, whales, or the like, feeding or migrating together; a company.
  • To form or go in a school, as fish; run together; shoal.
  • To go or move in a body; troop.
  • n. A medical sect, followers of Stahl, so called because of the doctrine that all vital phenomena proceed from the action of an internal force. See animism, 2.
  • n. A school maintained in a community by taxes levied for the purpose.
  • WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
  • v. teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment
  • n. a large group of fish
  • n. an educational institution's faculty and students
  • v. educate in or as if in a school
  • n. a body of creative artists or writers or thinkers linked by a similar style or by similar teachers
  • n. a building where young people receive education
  • n. the process of being formally educated at a school
  • n. the period of instruction in a school; the time period when school is in session
  • n. an educational institution
  • v. swim in or form a large group of fish
  • Equivalent
    Verb Form
    schooled    schooling    schools   
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