n. One who is intrusted with private or secret matters; a confidential officer or attendant; a confidant.n. A person who conducts correspondence, keeps minutes, etc., for another or others, as for an individual, a corporation, a society, or a committee, and who is charged with the general conduct of the business arising out of or requiring such correspondence, or the making of such records, etc.: as, a private secretary. Abbreviated Sec., sec.n. An officer of state who is charged with the superintendence and management of a particular department of government.n. A piece of furniture comprising a table or shelf for writing, and drawers, and pigeonholes for the keeping of papers: usually a high cabinet-shaped piece, as distinguished from a writing-table or desk.n. In printing, a kind of script type in imitation of an engrossing-hand.n. The secretary-bird or crane-vulture, Serpentarius secretarius.Of a secretary; clerkly: noting a style of handwriting such as is used in engrossing.Knowing secrets; confidential; able to keep a secret.