To draw (out); pull (out).To draw out to full length; extend; expand; spread: as, to stretch one's self; to stretch the wings; to stretch one's legs; hence, sometimes, to tighten; make tense or taut.To extend, or cause to reach or extend, lengthwise, or between specified points: as, to stretch a rope from one point to another.To draw out or extend in any direction by the application of force; draw out by tensile stress: as, to stretch cloth; to stretch a rubber band beyond its strength.To distend or expand forcibly or violently; strain by the exercise of force; subject to stress, literally or figuratively.To extend or strain too far; impair by straining; do violence to; exaggerate: as, to stretch the truth.To exert; strain.To reach or hold out; put forth; extend.To cause to lie or fall extended at full length: as, to stretch an opponent on the ground by a blow.To hang.To extend; reach; be continuous over a distance; be drawn out in length or in breadth, or both; spread.To be extended or to bear extension without breaking, as elastic substances; attain greater length: literally or figuratively.To go beyond the truth; exaggerate.Nautical, to sail by the wind under all sail.To make violent efforts in running.n. A stretching or straining, especially a stretching or straining beyond measure: as, a stretch of authority.n. A state of tension; strain: as, to be on the stretch.n. Reach; extent; scope.n. A long tract; an extended or continued surface or area, relatively narrow; a reach; distance; sweep: as, a long stretch of country road; a great stretch of grassy land; a stretch of moorland.n. One of the two straight sides of a race-course, as distinguished from the bend or curve at each end.n. Nautical, the reach or extent of progress on one tack; a tack.n. In weaving: The plot of ground on which a weaver stretches his warp.n. Tho length of spun-yarn between the spindles and roller-beam, which is wound upon the spindles each time the carriage is run toward the roller-beam. Also called draw.n. A single continued effort; one uninterrupted sitting, diet, shift, turn, or the like: as, to work ten hours at a stretch.n. A year's imprisonment or punishment.n. Course; direction: as, the stretch of seams of coal.n. Stride; bound, as of a running animal.n. The traverse of the spindle-carriage of a spinning-mule.n. Capability of being stretched; elasticity; capacity for yielding.