n. A bird of the genus Scolopax in a former broad sense.n. A fool; a blockhead; a simpleton; a goose.n. A half-smoked cigar found on the street.n. (See also double-snipe, half-snipe, horsefoot-snipe, jack-snipe, martin-snipe, quail-snipe, rail-snipe, robin-snipe, rock-snipe, shore-snipe, whole-snipe.)To hunt snipe.n. A sharp, clever answer; a sarcasm.n. The Lake Tahoe trout, Salmo clarkii henshawi, found in western Nevada and neighboring parts of California.To shoot at the enemy, or at isolated soldiers or outposts, in a casual way, as opportunity offers. See sniping.To shoot (one of the enemy) from ambush or in a casual way, and not in a regular battle.Same as nose, 5.