
Acceptable For Game Play - US & UK word lists

This word is acceptable for play in the US & UK dictionaries that are being used in the following games:

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
  • n. A man or boy.
  • n. Informal A boyfriend.
  • n. A comrade or associate.
  • n. A person of equal rank, position, or background; a peer.
  • n. One of a pair; a mate: found the lost shoe and its fellow.
  • n. A member of a learned society.
  • n. A graduate student appointed to a position granting financial aid and providing for further study.
  • n. Chiefly British An incorporated senior member of certain colleges and universities.
  • n. Chiefly British A member of the governing body of certain colleges and universities.
  • n. Obsolete A person of a lower social class.
  • adj. Being of the same kind, group, occupation, society, or locality; having in common certain characteristics or interests: fellow workers.
  • Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
  • n. A colleague or partner.
  • n. A companion; a comrade.
  • n. A man without good breeding or worth; an ignoble or mean man.
  • n. An equal in power, rank, character, etc.
  • n. One of a pair, or of two things used together or suited to each other; a mate.
  • n. A male person; a man.
  • n. In the English universities, a scholar who is appointed to a foundation called a fellowship, which gives a title to certain perquisites and privileges.
  • n. In an American college or university, a member of the corporation which manages its business interests; also, a graduate appointed to a fellowship, who receives the income of the foundation.
  • n. A member of a literary or scientific society; as, a Fellow of the Royal Society.
  • n. The most senior rank or title one can achieve on a technical career in certain companies (though some fellows also hold business titles such as vice president or chief technology officer). This is typically found in large corporations in research and development-intensive industries (IBM or Sun Microsystems in information technology, and Boston Scientific in Medical Devices for example). They appoint a small number of senior scientists and engineers as Fellows.
  • n. In the US and Canada, a physician who is undergoing a supervised, sub-specialty medical training (fellowship) after completing a specialty training program (residency).
  • adj. Having common characteristics; being of the same kind, or in the same group
  • v. To suit with; to pair with; to match.
  • the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English
  • n. A companion; a comrade; an associate; a partner; a sharer.
  • n. A man without good breeding or worth; an ignoble or mean man.
  • n. An equal in power, rank, character, etc.
  • n. One of a pair, or of two things used together or suited to each other; a mate; the male.
  • n. A person; an individual.
  • n. In the English universities, a scholar who is appointed to a foundation called a fellowship, which gives a title to certain perquisites and privileges.
  • n. In an American college or university, a member of the corporation which manages its business interests; also, a graduate appointed to a fellowship, who receives the income of the foundation.
  • n. A member of a literary or scientific society.
  • v. To suit with; to pair with; to match.
  • The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  • n. A companion; comrade; mate.
  • n. One of the same kind; one of like character or qualities; an equal; a peer or compeer.
  • n. One of a pair; one of two things mated or fitted to each other; a mate or match.
  • n. A masculine mate: applied to beasts.
  • n. In a particular sense, a boon companion; a pleasant, genial associate; a jovial comrade; a man of easy manners and lively disposition: often with the epithet good.
  • n. A person in general; an individual: generally used in friendly familiarity of a man, and sometimes humorously of a woman.
  • n. A man; a boy; one, in the sense of ‘a person’: in vulgar parlance, commonly applied by the speaker to himself: as, give a fellow a chance; don't be hard on a fellow.
  • n. A person of trivial or disreputable character; a man of no esteem: said in contempt.
  • n. In England, a graduate member of a college who shares its revenues. See fellowship, 5 .
  • n. A full member of an incorporated literary or scientific society.
  • n. In the United States:
  • n. One of the trustees or a member of the corporation of some colleges.
  • n. The name sometimes given to the holder of a fellowship.
  • To make one's fellow; companion with.
  • To suit with; pair with; match.
  • WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
  • n. a friend who is frequently in the company of another
  • n. one of a pair
  • n. a person who is member of one's class or profession
  • n. a member of a learned society
  • n. an informal form of address for a man
  • n. a boy or man
  • n. a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman
  • Verb Form
    fellowed    fellows   
    Words that are more generic or abstract
    singleton    associate    member    fellow member    adult male    man    lover   
    Words with the same meaning
    companion    comrade    associate    partner    sharer    mate    person    individual    match    man   
    Words with the same terminal sound
    Bello    Bellow    Belo    Castello    Costello    Jello    Marcello    Martello    Montebello    Monticello   
    Same Context
    Words that are found in similar contexts
    boy    brother    creature    soldier    lad    youth    guy    companion    warrior    one